Fate hollow ataraxia taiga quiz answers
Fate hollow ataraxia taiga quiz answers

fate hollow ataraxia taiga quiz answers
  1. #Fate hollow ataraxia taiga quiz answers how to#
  2. #Fate hollow ataraxia taiga quiz answers series#
fate hollow ataraxia taiga quiz answers

All that is speculation but since Raiden never actually dies permanently in any continuity and Shinnok's severed head still talks in MK11, we can only speculate.

fate hollow ataraxia taiga quiz answers

#Fate hollow ataraxia taiga quiz answers how to#

And given the fact that those three died in battle in between MK3 and 4, we can assume they were somehow killed by either Shinnok or something created by Shinnok, indicating that elder gods perhaps know how to negate immortality in lesser gods. Now, the fact that three of the gods are dead says that maybe gods in Mortal Kombat are not immortal but firstly, reversed dialogue in Mortal Kombat Deception says that Gods reincarnate whenever killed, which is probably how immortality is being interpreted here, which can still fly with Mortal Kombat 11 if we assume that Shinnok is different for being a fallen elder god and the new god of the Netherrealm after Lucifer. The kanji for earth can also be read as dou, however, that name would end up being Doujin, which would return very different results on google, so I'll go with Daijin. Before I continue, I don't know if there's an official name for those three gods, I don't believe so, but since Raiden also goes by Raijin in some areas, and Fujin is the canonical name of the god of wind, it's safe to say that these gods are have the japanese names so I'll be assuming the fire god's name is Kajin, the water god's name is Suijin, and the earth god's name is Daijin. Firstly, it's worth noting that Earthrealm has 5 elemental gods but three of them, the ones for fire, water, and earth as all dead. Now, Raiden as a lesser god is obviously immortal, though how it works is a bit weird. Remember this, I'll come back to it.Īfter that we have Raiden who is the god of thunder and the first god canonically introduced in the series. Other humans with supernatural powers like his show up later, such as Kung Lao, Nightwolf, Kai and Kenshi.

#Fate hollow ataraxia taiga quiz answers series#

Obviously, in MK1, you had humans like Kano, Johnny Cage, and Sony, who all seem to be relatively normal apart from great fighting ability but then you have Liu Kang who has supernatural powers not unlike the fire god Kajin, and he does end up ascending to godhood in many of his endings in the series as well as canonically under different circumstances in MK11.

fate hollow ataraxia taiga quiz answers

Starting with human, which is most of the Mortal Kombat roster, these guys are obviously in the mortal category but humans have a ton of variety. So let's talk about some unique existences in the series, starting with what we're introduced to in MK1 and move forward from game to game. However, in Mortal Kombat the distinction between the two is a bit murkier, to the point of being arbitrary. Now, the traditional definition of mortal and immortal are that mortals can die where immortals can't. So generally, in Mortal Kombat, there are various forms of existences but they generally fall into one of two types: mortal and immortal. That's usually how my posts go but I'm not confident I'll be 100% coherent this time so I apologize if the rambling aspect is a bit more obvious this time. Secondly, this is not going to be a structured post, this is just me rambling for a while. Some things I talk about like the benefits and drawbacks of being a god versus a human won't translate too well to Mortal Kombat because those things manifest differently in that series than they do in real life. So before I set the stage let me be clear that everything I have to say is relevant to the Mortal Kombat franchise as a whole and not anything outside of it. However, one interesting idea that I don't think gets talked about a lot is the value of divinity, or lack thereof, in the Mortal Kombat series. If you follow The4thSnake on youtube, he has a lot of very interesting and creative ideas for the setting of Mortal Kombat whether it's in his MK Chronicles series or they're just ideas that are created specifically for his youtube channel. Rather, Mortal Kombat is an interesting series because, despite what the games and adaptations actually do, the setting has a huge amount of potential for story telling. And not even because of the quality of the writing because even that can be scattershot at best. Not because of the gore, because at this point it's overplayed and excessive to the point of not even being fun. Not because it has great fighting mechanics, because that's not always the case.

Fate hollow ataraxia taiga quiz answers